Klaus-Dieter Koch is one of the most experienced brand strategy consultants in Europe: he focused on the topic of brand as a management tool very early on and has been advising corporations and medium-sized companies for more than 25 years on how they can increase their company value with the help of their brand. He has been able to demonstrate his many years of brand expertise in over 300 projects in numerous sectors. His clients include Destination Engadin St. Moritz, Rauch Fruchtsäfte, Julius Meinl, Stabilo, Madeleine Mode, Mustang, UPC Cablecom and Axpo.
Klaus-Dieter Koch founded BrandTrust in 2003 because he recognized the enormous untapped potential of brand management as a driver of value creation for companies and institutions. With his unique combination of passion, expertise and ingenuity, he has since successfully supported decision-makers and helped numerous brand managers to find answers to problems such as brand management in the digital age, differentiation from the competition, brand fitness for the future and leadership management and to exploit their potential in an entrepreneurial and systematic way.
Klaus-Dieter Koch wrote "Reiz ist Geil - In 7 Schritten zur attraktiven Marke", one of the most successful books in brand literature. He is also the author of the reference book "Was Marken unwiderstehlich macht - 101 Wege zur Begehrlichkeit", which has also been translated into English, as well as the publisher of the book "No1. Brands", which was launched on the occasion of BrandTrust's 10th anniversary. His articles and contributions on brand management appear in all relevant business media in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Thanks to his many years of brand and marketing expertise, Klaus-Dieter Koch is able to capture developments and trends like no other and regularly initiates studies.
Klaus-Dieter Koch holds numerous lectures on brand management and digital brand management at universities and business schools in order to provide brand managers with practical skills and to increase their knowledge of the power of the brand. He has been a member of the core faculty at the ZfU International Business School in Zurich for many years. He is also a sought-after speaker at international industry congresses and brand conferences, captivating CEOs and brand managers with well-founded, inspiring content that is presented in a concise yet charming and entertaining manner.
Lecture focus:
Brand management in the age of digital transformation
How to create trust in the digital world
Brand management: The intelligent way to No. 1
Brands in the digital age - success factors & capital sins
A clear brand strategy for more sales
From the target group to the brand community