We are the leading
management consultancy
for strong brands in the
German-speaking region.

BrandTrust - nur starke Köpfe machen starke Marken

Only strong minds make strong brands.

At BrandTrust, we are interested in the big picture - beyond short-term goals and tactical marketing. We are interested in the systematic development of a lasting appeal and long-term relationships with customers.

Brand creates unique appreciation that leads to added value.

It is the only corporate strategy with which a clear differentiation from the competition can be achieved and the desirability of top services increased.

BrandTrust goes SXSW

At BrandTrust, we are interested in the big picture - away from short-term goals and tactical marketing. We are interested in the systematic development of a lasting appeal and long-term relationships with customers.

Brand creates unique appreciation that leads to added value.

It is the only corporate strategy that can achieve clear differentiation from the competition and increase the desirability of top services.

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This is BrandTrust




Completed brand strategy projects






Nuremberg, Munich, Vienna


Book and study publications

Klaus-Dieter-Koch: Tourismustag 2023, Foto: Michael Geißler
Benedikt Streb bei einem Vortrag
BrandTrust: Dr. Judith Scholz im Workshop
BrandTrust: Sebastian Schäfer im Workshop
BrandTrust: Top Unternehmensberatung

Hattrick: We are also in the FOCUS Top Management Consultants ranking in 2023

For the third time in a row, we were recognised as a top management consultancy by the business magazine FOCUS in 2023. Once again this year, the excellent performance and memorable expertise of our consultants was recognised by both clients and colleagues.

We are delighted with this appreciation and would like to thank our clients and colleagues.

Brand strategy/ Brand positioning/ Brand implementation/ Brand architecture/ Employer branding/ Corporate culture/ Brand performance/ Sustainability/ Pricing/ Brand innovation/