

Das erwartet die GenZ von Tourismusmarken: 4 Handlungsempfehlungen

12. August 2024

4 Recommendations: What Gen Z Expects from Tourism Brands

Gen Z's preferences and decisions are shaping the future of vacation and travel offerings. In collaboration with the Dutch trend consultancy TrendsActive, we have developed four recommendations for a tourism industry with a future.

The tourism industry is recovering despite ongoing global crises and uncertainties in Europe: According to recent EUROSTAT statistics, it reached 2.9 billion overnight stays in 2023, an increase of 1.4% compared to pre-COVID levels. This positive development brings a palpable sense of relief to the industry and should simultaneously serve as motivation for every tourism professional to deeply reflect on their future viability:

  • How will the travelers of tomorrow make their vacation and travel decisions?
  • What new demands will be placed on the industry?
  • How do the desires, aspirations, and values of the young, increasingly affluent generation differ from those of previous generations?

Shaping the Future of Travel

A key factor in both the current travel boom and the transformation of the tourism industry is Generation Z. Born between 1998 and 2015, they are now aged 9 to 26 and are entering adulthood and independence. With a significant 30% share of the current global population, their importance in tourism should not be underestimated. They are the first "Digital Natives," having grown up with the internet, social media, and digital communication from the start. Their constant 24/7 connectivity shapes their expectations for speed, transparency, and authenticity, as well as their strong awareness of ecological, social, and political issues.

"Gen Z demands that brands not only offer high-quality products and services but also take on clear social responsibility."
— Colin Fernando

Gen Z as Opinion Leaders

Even older generations follow the recommendations and trends set by the younger ones. 

The influence of this generation extends far beyond their direct purchasing power: As opinion leaders and trendsetters on social media, they shape and define travel destinations and brands. Their decisions and recommendations trigger viral trends, exerting a cross-generational influence on the popularity and perception of destinations and tourism businesses.

Preparing for the New Generation

The unique needs and expectations of Generation Z require a realignment of tourism (brand) strategies and offerings. We have identified the key factors influencing the vacation and travel behavior of Generation Z from numerous recent tourism studies and reports, and, together with the Dutch trend consultancy TrendsActive, analyzed the underlying socio-cultural reasons. This helps in accurately interpreting new behaviors and finding appropriate responses. Those who manage to win over Gen Z early and meet their needs will sustainably benefit from their purchasing power and influence as opinion leaders.

"Gen Z has the potential to become cross-generational opinion leaders and trendsetters, making them relevant to everyone."
— Kees Elands, Founder of TrendsActive

The 4 Key Factors for Future-Oriented Tourism

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Colin<br >Fernando


Alexander Sommer

Senior Consultant

Kees Elands

Founder and CEO of TrendsActive

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