

The first textbook for tourism brands

Destination Branding - von der Geographie zur Bedeutung

The first textbook to unite the topics of brand and tourism.


The first textbook for technology brands

Value Branding: Vom hochwertigen Produkt zur wertvollen Marke

Industry and technology companies have to realize: They need not only premium products, but urgently need valuable brands as well. In “Value Branding”, Jürgen Gietl describes how to build and manage a brand to be successful.

Jürgen Gietl: Managing Partner, Brand Consultant, Markenberater

Jürgen Gietl

Managing Partner


The first textbook on brands that combines theory and practice.

No. 1 Brands : Die Erfolgsgeheimnisse starker Marken

A book brimming with invaluable brand expertise: First, Klaus-Dieter Koch and his team explain 12 crucial aspects of successful brand strategy and brand management. In the next segment, 12 brand managers share experiences from their work, talking about challenges and goals. Finally, the book offers an interview with philosopher Peter Sloterdijk about the brand phenomenon.

Klaus-Dieter Koch: Managing Partner, Brand Consultant, Markenberater

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


The English edition of “Was Marken unwiderstehlich macht”

101 Triggers to Boost Your Brand

Klaus-Dieter Koch’s successful book “Was Marken unwiderstehlich macht – 101 Wege zur Begehrlichkeit” is now available in English. A book filled with tips on how a brand can achieve high attractiveness – become desirable.

Klaus-Dieter Koch: Managing Partner, Brand Consultant, Markenberater

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


The standard reference for brand management

Reiz ist geil – in 7 Schritten zur attraktiven Marke

This book by Klaus-Dieter Koch has become one of the “must reads” of brand management. The author derives brand management rules from the laws of physics and packs them into a very readable book brimming with fresh ideas for more brand success.

Klaus-Dieter Koch: Managing Partner, Brand Consultant, Markenberater

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


A book filled with practical advice for more brand attractiveness.

Was Marken unwiderstehlich macht - 101 Wege zur Begehrlichkeit

What strategies, methods and details make a brand desirable? Klaus-Dieter Koch gives 101 practical tips for successful brand management based on decades of experience as a brand strategist.

Klaus-Dieter Koch: Managing Partner, Brand Consultant, Markenberater

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner