

Future readiness of brands in Slovenia

28. Juni 2024

Future readiness of brands in Slovenia

How desirable are Slovenian brands today and how prepared are they for the future?

Today's activities and awards are already history for brands, a reward for past work, which does not necessarily predict tomorrow's success. In order to ensure that the topic of the future of brands does not remain just a "buzzword" in our field, we conducted a survey in Slovenia in which we were interested in how Slovenian brands are prepared for the future, according to the users. In the set of brands we researched, we included those that passed the Superbrands 2024 census.

The study shows that young people, i.e. Generation Y and especially Generation Z, reach for the brands studied below average, which is true for practically all brands. Only beverages and a few exceptions stand out. These two generations also have less confidence in the future of the brands studied. Only three out of fifty brands are on the green branch with future buyers.

Another common feature is that brands are generally more trusted by women. Men are more confident in the future of flying and racing and, interestingly, underwear.
Once again, brand awareness is no guarantee of success. Small, niche brands that have a clear content and follow the trends, consciously or not, are better off. Among Slovenian brands, according to users and brand connoisseurs, the most prepared are very niche brands with a strong fan base. Brands with a long tradition that have become "commodities" are the least prepared for the future. We reach for them and visit them only because they are there, not because they are brands we trust, are loyal to and follow. Brands in this position found themselves in the loop of quick and "painless" interchangeability. If they weren't there, they wouldn't be missed. They would just be replaced by others.

At a glance, the results show

  1. which brands are attractive today, but do not have a sufficiently developed attractiveness for the future in the eyes of users and connoisseurs.
  2. which brands are desirable today and have potential for the future, provided they don't fall asleep at the switch
  3. which brands are not the most popular today, but have the potential to become attractive in the future
  4. brands that are in a position where they need to consider repositioning today. Low following and low future potential.

Download a PDF with the summary here. You can download the results if you have registered using the form below.

The brands were analyzed: Afrodita, Akrapovi?, Alpina, Alpsko mleko, Argeta, Barcaffe, Cedevita, Cockta, Donat Mg, Elan, Eta Kamnik, Fructal, GEN-I, Gorenje, Klet Brda, Kras, Kraš, Krka, LEK, Lisca, Ljubljanske Mlekarne, Loterija Slovenija, Lumpi, Medex ,Mercator, Mimovrste, Mlekarna Planika, Mlinotest, Mu, Natureta, NKBM, NLB, Paloma, Pekarna Pe?jak, Perutnina ptuj, Petrol, Pipistrel, Pivovarna Laško, Pivovarna Union, Poli, Pomurske mlekarne, Radenska, Telekom Slovenije, Telemach, Zala, Zavarovalnica Generali, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Zelene doline, Žito, Zlato polje

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