Great Resignation
The "Great Resignation" is a phenomenon in the world of work that began during the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2021: People no longer want to work in the same way they did before the pandemic - and are withdrawing.
What impact did the Great Resignation have?
The Great Resignation led to a wave of layoffs that continues to challenge and change the labor market in many ways.
It accelerated the ongoing transformation from an employer to an employee market and further intensified the "war for talent".
How did the Great Resignation come about?
The causes of the Great Resignation and thus the increase in the number of resignations lie primarily in the exceptional situation during the pandemic: employees stayed at home (working from home or on short-time working) and were cut off from their working environment.
On the one hand, this led to loneliness and uncertainty, but on the other, people spent more time with their families and reorganized their leisure activities. A new rhythm of life emerged that caused people to fundamentally question their job and its meaningfulness. Some employees also used this phase to learn new skills: they improved their qualifications and expanded their career opportunities in order to enter a new industry.
Although this development was already apparent before the pandemic, the great wave of retrenchment came during the coronavirus period.
How should employers respond to the Great Resignation?
Companies are now faced with the challenge of having to meet the changing wishes of employees. The most frequently cited reason for resignation is a lack of emotional attachment to the company. This follows: Companies must take measures to strengthen employee loyalty.
This can be achieved through employer branding if it is optimized and used consistently. As soon as employees feel comfortable in the company, they stay longer - and also perform better.
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