Brands are the condensed expression of corporate peak performances. Attractive and successful brands know who they are and what performances they deliver, and conduct all their activities accordingly. They concentrate on those things that fit their personalities and correspond to their talents and strengths. Successful brands do what they do better than anyone else – consistently.
When a company provides performances at consistent quality over a long period of time, these performances eventually settle into brand values. The difference: While performance has to be proven over and over again, values are believed.
Only when a brand condenses and communicates the identified peak performances can it release the energy it gains by recharging with consistently delivered peak performances. Thanks to this brand energy, consumers recognize brands within a fraction of a second. All it takes is a glimpse of the brand logo or the sound of the brand name. Ideally, the brand conveys trust, security, and simplicity – and thus influences the customer's decision in favor of the brand.
Brands are more than mere designations of the origin of a product or service. They evoke emotions, keep promises, and give the customer orientation for his purchasing decision. Brands allow companies to use this effect for sustainably high results.
This is what brands are not: Logo, design, or advertising. Brands are also not a pure communication instrument, but an economic asset: This is why the brand has no business in the marketing department but is first and foremost a management responsibility.
Our recommendation:
Book: No. 1 Brands –Die Erfolgsgeheimnisse starker Marken
Book: GOOD Business – das Denken der Gewinner von morgen
Book: Value Branding –Vom hochwertigen Produkt zur wertvollen Marke
Book: Was Marken unwiderstehlich macht - 101 Wege zur Begehrlichkeit
Book: Reiz ist geil – in 7 Schritten zur attraktiven Marke
Book: Brand Future – praktisches Markenwissen für die Marktführer von morgen