Brand Strategy
A strategy helps to align one's thoughts, decisions and actions with overarching goals. The same goes for the brand strategy: It defines the needed foundations of the brand and the goals to be achieved with the help of the brand. It therefore plots the course for the success of a brand https://www.brand-trust.de/de/glossar/markenerfolg.php fest.
How to develop a good brand strategy?
A solid brand strategy that compacts all of the performances of a company into content, form and style needs:
- Brand core https://www.brand-trust.de/de/glossar/markenkern.php, because it contains the DNA and talents of the brand.
- Brand style https://www.brand-trust.de/de/glossar/markenstilistik.php, because it expresses the brand's personality.
- Brand positioning https://www.brand-trust.de/de/glossar/markenpositionierung.php, because it aims at the future position in the market.
- Brand principles, because they are the guideposts for business decisions.
- Brand rules https://www.brand-trust.de/de/glossar/markenregeln.php, to facilitate the management of the many brand touchpoints.
When is a brand strategy successful?
As soon as a brand strategy is defined, it has to be successfully implemented – otherwise it is worthless. This is why management has to be enabled
- to live the strategy,
- to train employees,
- to manage the brand touchpoints in line with the strategy,
- to align the marketing activities with the brand.
What is the difference between a brand strategy and a marketing strategy?
While the brand strategy formulates the fundamentals, the marketing strategy serves to operatively implement that basic direction. See also Marketing versus brand