
BrandTrust brand seminar for B2B and B2C companies

“Building and managing effective brands”

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12. August 2024, Tourism brands

4 Recommendations: What Gen Z Expects from Tourism Brands

A deep engagement with Gen Z is essential for the tourism industry. Their preferences and decisions will shape the future of vacation and travel offerings, as well as the way tourism brands interact with guests. Those who do not understand their brand and product risk falling into unconvincing and ineffective actionism across all channels. In collaboration with the Dutch trend consultancy TrendsActive, we have developed 4 recommendations for a tourism industry with a future.

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The first BrandTrust indifference study

What to do when consumers don’t care about brands?

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BrandCircle Vienna

The head of our Vienna office, Achim Feige, invites you at regular intervals to his exclusive BrandCircles in the heart of Vienna, to the BrandTrust Living Room on Lugeck.

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The first textbook for tourism brands

Destination Branding - von der Geographie zur Bedeutung

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