Corporate Brand
A corporate brand serves to describe an organization as a whole. Its aim is to create a consistent corporate image through the interplay of corporate strategy, business activity, and brand stylistics.
It follows that a change of the corporate brand is only possible by means of a strategy shift and a new business activity, and requires the integration of the highest management levels of the organization. It is irrelevant whether the company is a single brand company (e.g. Apple) or a multi brand company (e.g. Unilever). The employer brand is subjugated to the corporate brand.
The corporate brand – unlike consumer oriented product brands and service brands – addresses all influence and target groups. Internally, the corporate brand embodies a set of values and takes on an orientation function for employees. Their strong identification with the brand values and their brand-conform actions make them important brand ambassadors who convey the company's idea to potential and existing customers.
The group of external stakeholders is significantly more differentiated. A corporate brand communicates at the B2B and at the political level: with suppliers, the financial economy, the media, or also with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
In times of social uncertainty and overabundance, the corporate brand is gaining importance. Issues of ecological, economic, and social sustainability are usually addressed at the corporate level and represent a vehicle for public trust, regardless of the company's core business. The corporate brand creates added value for often interchangeable products.
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