Brand Success
Successful brands control their success very attentively; they know their DNA and their fans. They also distance themselves from things they cannot do, and display all of these insights outwardly in their brand positioning. To ensure brand-centric actions, they guide their operative business using brand rules. Their brand success is no coincidence.
The foundation: Peak performances that shape the specific brand character over the course of many years. These peak performances continuously "charge" the brand – just like a battery, which then passes its energy on to the customers. That means: Brand success develops from the inside out.
A typical feature of a successful brand: It gathers fans around itself. Its managers have identified the motives why fans became fans, and know how to generate more.
Brands with a high rate of success are positioned credibly, according to their personality. They are attractive (to fans) and differentiating (from the competition) at the same time. They have defined strategic ways to reach this positioning and act on those principles.
The corresponding brand strategy ultimately becomes tangible at all brand touchpoints: This is where a unified brand experience is created for the customer. If a brand wants to be successful in the long term, it has to keep proving itself over and over at the brand touchpoints. People need a unified image of the brand. It gives them orientation and earns their lasting trust.