Digital Branding
Digital branding serves the strategic building and development of a brand in a digital context. Why? Because consumers want to experience brands digitally as well – even those that were originally analog. To make that possible, the digital design possibilities must be checked for brand fit and managed accordingly.
Companies who have an integrated cross-channel understanding of their brand use digital brand management to create a consistent and brand-conforming appearance. They work on merging the online and offline worlds of their brand.
Why is digital brand management important?
Analog and digital touchpoints have to be perfectly interwoven, at any time in the customer journey, so that consumers can clearly perceive the brand. They will take away a strong impression only if there are no contradictions or breaks.
Consumers are always looking for orientation and values – they want to trust, offline as well as online. That means: A brand cannot diverge from its performance promises in the digital context. On the contrary: Because digital transparency makes brands radically comparable, they have to work on their unique selling points with complete consistency. Only a clear and unmistakable positioning gives them the necessary brand strength.
Closer to the customer with digital brand management
Digital brand management offers broad opportunities for getting to know customers better than before, for "snuggling up" to them – for instance by watching a brand community, offering co-creation or an ecosystem that satisfies consumer needs. Brands that find out what life scarcities they can address have the best starting conditions for a strong trust relationship.
Digital branding, then, is no island solution. That means:
- Remain consistent in your statement – across all channels, offline as online.
- Dare to get to know your customers better: Listen to them closely.
- Show them that you are close and approachable.
- You cannot afford to be interchangeable on the web: Use it to communicate your peak performance and satisfy desires.
- Work on providing one-of-a-kind brand experiences at all digital touchpoints.