Brand Fit
The brand fit shows to what degree a brand touchpoint conforms to the brand and brings the brand to life for customers and employees. Only a good brand fit can guarantee a positive brand experience.
The brand rules can help to check how good the brand fit of a brand touchpoint is, i.e. how strongly the brand can be experienced at that touchpoint. Only when 5/6 of the brand rules are fulfilled do we speak of a positive brand fit.
The objective of a good brand fit is to enthuse and to convince customers that this brand is the right choice. Particularly touchpoints where an above average number of "Moments of Truth" (decisions) happen, it is of the utmost importance to achieve a good brand fit.
Brand touchpoints are already examined regarding their brand fit during the customer journeys. If it is not good enough, we generate ideas for optimizing that touchpoint as quickly as possible with the aid of quick wins. If a good brand fit is diagnosed consistently across all touchpoints, there is nothing to stand in the way of a thrilling brand experience.
Our recommendation:
Study: From product to experience – how brand touchpoints become the whole experience