Brand-centric Leadership
Brand is a matter for the boss. You cannot simply delegate it to marketing or corporate communications, but must exemplify it.
That isn't always easy. Even the most talented brand ambassadors will not succeed if the management staff – from CEO all the way down to team leader – do not understand the brand values and do not act according to those values in their day-to-day activities.
Under the motto "living the brand", we coach our clients' management staff to understand, integrate, and exemplify the brand core values and the brand positioning. In one-on-one or team settings, we show them how to develop a value-centered leadership style and assume an unambiguous attitude.
In addition to leadership coaching, we establish a quantitative measurement system for brand success. It makes brands and their added value empirically measurable, apart from the still much-used advertising indicators. This way, the brand becomes a decision factor in executive and management meetings, and a real instrument for increasing the corporate value.
See also Brand-centric transformation