Brand Spaces
Brand spaces are realms of experience where customers can encounter the brand first hand. These spaces can be real as well as virtual platforms. They are used to present, stage, or develop a brand in customer-centered ways. The aim of a brand space is not just to boost sales, but to let customers experience the brand and increase their involvement with it. These brand touchpoints are about strengthening customer loyalty or involving the customer in the evolution of the brand.
There are different types of brand spaces:
1. High sales focus, low involvement and experience:
This category includes the typical flagship stores many brands offer at selected locations. One example is "Niketown", the flagship store of the US sporting goods manufacturer Nike.
2. High sales focus, high involvement and experience:
This type includes so-called pop-up stores – special sales areas that are set up for a limited time in shopping centers or pedestrian malls. They often present the brand and offer only a few core products or seasonal items for sale.
3. Low sales focus, low involvement and experience:
These days, many brands establish museums, such as Porsche or Ritter Sport. They convey a comprehensive and in-depth look at the history and origins of a brand, but frequently do not offer elements for experiencing and trying the brand. These spaces do not focus on selling the product; sales are intended to be a consequence.
4. Low sales focus, high involvement and experience:
This is where a brand is brought to life to be experienced, perhaps through many tactile elements – but direct sales are not the focus (as also in the previous category). Examples of such spaces are BMW World or the Nivea House. At BMW World, visitors can directly experience the brand through simulations or test drives. Nivea expresses its brand core value "Care" by offering massages and other treatments at the "Nivea House".
Our recommendation:
Study: From product to experience – how brand touchpoints become the total experience
Article: Brand touchpoints decide over success or failure