Measuring Brand Strength
The strength of a brand manifests in how precisely it manages to occupy a monopoly position in people's perception through condensing its peak performances and conveying them in the market, so that not the product but the brand triggers the purchase decision with its indispensability.
We grant that there is neither a scientific nor a unified practical definition for the concept of brand strength.
The measuring criteria vary depending on model and provider. Six examples:
- GfK in its "Brand Assessment Model" measures quality, brand awareness, uniqueness, sympathy, trust.
- For the "best brands" award, Gfk measures brand strength by means of two dimensions: economic success, the "share of market", and the "share of soul", meaning attractiveness from the consumer's perspective.
- BBDO in its "Brand Equity Evaluator" measures degree of awareness and distribution, quality, brand personality, uniqueness, trust.
- Brand attachment: Icon uses the iceberg model to measure image, uniqueness, sympathy, trust, attractiveness.
- Nielsen in its "Brand Performancer" measures brand attractiveness, distribution, consumer acceptance, awareness.
- Prof. Gert Gutjahr introduces some more measuring criteria (2015). Under the leadership of Prof. Carsten Baumgarth and accompanied by the Expert Panel for Technology Brands, the brand strength of technology brands was first examined in 2016 by means of a multi-dimensional brand strength model. The five criteria are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand fascination, and innovative capacity.
- BrandTrust in its "BrandTrust Performance Monitor" differentiates between the two dimensions awareness and attractiveness. Strong brands that generate profitable growth must first of all have high attractiveness. As an "In Brand", their awareness is still relatively low, the brands are still considered a highly attractive insider tip due to their focus (e.g. Apple in the early years, Patagonia, Otto Bock, Dr. Hauschka). Strong "Star Brands" are those brands that have attractiveness and are slowly increasing their awareness (e.g. KUKA, BMW, dm, IKEA).
Our recommendation:
Article: 101 Triggers to Boost Your Brand