Culture Brands
Brands that stand for cultural or artistic products and services are called culture brands. They include for instance museums, art collections, opera houses, musicals and vaudeville shows.
Do cultural institutions need a brand?
Counter to some skepticism, brand management makes sense for enterprises marked by artistic freedom, diversity, and an educational role. Examples like the Louvre in Paris or Dresden's Semperoper show how it's done: Strong culture brands bring success. Because they are much more than a superficial commercial idea.
In a cultural enterprise, the brand provides a clear, memorable profile. It stirs emotions, gives orientation, and as an employer brand fosters pride and identification in its employees. Like all brands, culture brands are based on the peak performances of the organization they represent.
Competitive pressure has significantly intensified in the culture scene, because public cultural institutions have to compete with an ever growing private leisure market. At the same time, communities and states are increasingly withdrawing public funding.
Professional brand management is therefore becoming a necessity for cultural enterprises to ensure their continued existence with sustainable income.