






2 September 2024, Brand performance

Wake up before the AI knockout! Five hacks for brand management.

I'm a fan of artificial intelligence. That's why I ask myself: when will brands finally wake up? When will they realise what's coming? These are my five AI hacks for brand managers so that they don't experience an AI knockout.

Benedikt Streb, Partner

Benedikt Streb



12 August 2024, Tourism brands

4 Recommendations: What Gen Z Expects from Tourism Brands

A deep engagement with Gen Z is essential for the tourism industry. Their preferences and decisions will shape the future of vacation and travel offerings, as well as the way tourism brands interact with guests. Those who do not understand their brand and product risk falling into unconvincing and ineffective actionism across all channels. In collaboration with the Dutch trend consultancy TrendsActive, we have developed 4 recommendations for a tourism industry with a future.

Colin<br >Fernando, Partner



Alexander Sommer

Alexander Sommer

Senior Consultant

Kees Elands

Kees Elands

Founder and CEO of TrendsActive


5 August 2024, Brand communication

Content in the AI hype: we need precision, humanity - and the brand

Does AI threaten content quality? Not if we use sharp thinking, humanity and the brand as a basis. Convenience and blind faith in technology are dangerous. We have to be strict with ourselves.

Doris Eichmeier

Doris Eichmeier

Content Managerin


23 July 2024, Outdoor industry

Rise & fall: is the outdoor industry in need of a redefinition?

The outdoor industry is currently facing completely new challenges. Supply and demand are completely out of balance. According to a recent survey, global spending on sports equipment has fallen by 40%. The purchasing boom of the coronavirus years has led to a certain degree of market saturation. We show 3 ways out of the crisis.

Jürgen Gietl, Managing Partner

Jürgen Gietl

Managing Partner

Thomas Weiss

Thomas Weiss



27 May 2024, Brand extension

No game without a goal: Playmobil lacks vision

The point of sale (PoS) is one of the most contested and difficult touchpoints for brands. How do companies manage to excel there? Supported by current neuro-research, we now know: It only works with a lot of patience. Or, to put it another way: consistency is more important at the PoS than volume.




18 April 2024, Interview

Colin Fernando: "Brand positioning needs more attention than before"

The British royal family is probably the most famous family business in the world - and one of the best-known brands. What can other family businesses learn from them? What should they bear in mind when it comes to brand management in order to be successful? That's what this article is about.

Eva<br >Stockhausen


Marketing and Event Manager


26 February 2024, Retail brands

Please don't be so pushy! At the PoS, consistency works better than volume

Der Point of Sale (PoS) ist einer der meistumkämpften und schwierigsten Touchpoints für Marken. Wie gelingt es Unternehmen, dort zu brillieren? Unterstützt durch aktuelle Neuroforschung wissen wir jetzt: Das gelingt nur mit viel Geduld. Oder, anders ausgedrückt: Konsistenz ist am PoS wichtiger als Lautstärke.

Paul Waldherr

Paul Waldherr

Associate Consultant


12 February 2024, Brand management

Family business: The entrepreneurial family must be part of brand management

The British royal family is probably the most famous family business in the world - and one of the best-known brands. What can other family businesses learn from them? What should they bear in mind when it comes to brand management in order to be successful? That's what this article is about.

Bastian Schneider, Partner in<br >Switzerland

Bastian Schneider

Partner in


20 November 2023, Pricing

Pricing: How to enforce your prices

In pricing, it is not just the functional facts that count, but also feelings. For this reason: when emotions are involved, people perceive an offer as exceptional and are willing to pay more. Successful pricing therefore requires the systematic use of emotions. We show how this works.

Sebastian Schäfer, Partner

Sebastian Schäfer


Klaus-Dieter Koch

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


13 November 2023, Marketing efficiency

When the red pen is pulled out: In 5 steps you can convince your management how important marketing and brand are

We provide marketers and brand managers with strong arguments to help them avoid budget cuts.




6 November 2023, Essay

“The Great Strength”: 10 recommendations for doing the right thing in tough times

It seems absurd - but especially in these times of crisis, in which we have to act ever more flexibly, we need one thing above all: unwavering, stoic continuity. It gives companies the strength they need for all the sprints that are demanded of them in large numbers. Continuity promotes speed and flexibility, even if this seems contradictory at first. Read our recommendations for action.

Colin<br >Fernando, Partner



Jürgen Gietl, Managing Partner

Jürgen Gietl

Managing Partner

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


9 October 2023, M&A

Adding the brand success factor to M&A: 10 key tips

Mergers & acquisitions have a problem: of the 50,000 or so that take place every year, only 20 to 30% work. So there is considerable potential for optimization. We show you how you can use the brand as a booster for M&A.

Benedikt Streb, Partner

Benedikt Streb



24 July 2023, Internal Branding

How to implement your sustainability strategy in-house - 5 tips

If you want to make your company sustainable, you must never forget your employees. One thing is clear: without them, you won't succeed. We will show you the things you need to pay attention to.




12 December 2022, Brand attractiveness

Pros and Cons: Does Your Brand Really Need a New Name?

When does it make sense to do a rebranding, and when should you stay away from it and consider a repositioning instead? We give you 8 good reasons that justify a new brand name – and 8 reasons against it.

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


4 October 2022, Brand attractiveness

Pricing: The Brand Improves Your Margins and Price Realization

There are lots of reasons why a company may need to change its prices – perhaps due to inflation, changes in the supply chain or a different production method. If it uses its brand to do it, the chances of success improve. We’ll show you how it’s done.

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Klaus-Dieter Koch

Managing Partner


19 May 2022, Tourism brands

Why Tourism Needs More Employer Branding

The current pervasive staff shortages are an enormous burden on the tourism industry. However, for operations with a distinctive employer brand that attracts suitable personnel, the odds are not at all bad. How do you develop such an employer brand? A brief introduction.

Eva Wandhoff

Eva Wandhoff

Senior Talent Manager


4 April 2022, Fashion brands

Tjeerd van der Zee: “Brick-and-mortar fashion retail is about to disappear.”

What does the future of fashion retail look like and how should it prepare? I spoke to expert Tjeerd van der Zee about this. He doesn't sugarcoat anything and speaks plainly. And he shows which direction retailers should take.

Colin<br >Fernando, Partner




23 November 2021, Cosmetic industry

Brands in natural cosmetics: Are imitators displacing the pioneers?

The natural cosmetics industry is thinking too small. It risks being overtaken by cosmetics companies and start-ups. Because they too have discovered the growth potential of cosmetics without chemicals and artificiality.

Eva Wandhoff

Eva Wandhoff

Senior Talent Manager


6 September 2021, Digital Brand Management

Artificial intelligence: Why should my brand care?

Algorithms are a key factor of success in brand management these days. In the digital world, artificial intelligence decides which brands are noticed and which are overlooked. What can you do?

Benedikt Streb, Partner

Benedikt Streb



26 July 2021, Brand development

10 prejudices about brand strategies – and how to debunk them.

As brand consultants, we continuously run into massive prejudices when it comes to the meaning of the brand. High time to debunk the most common ones. We respond to the ten most frequent misunderstandings—for all those who care about brands as much as we do.

Nicole Kapp

Nicole Kapp

Senior Consultant

Your contact

Eva<br >Stockhausen

Marketing and Event Manager


Top Unternehmensberatung 2023: BrandTrust

Hattrick: We are also in the FOCUS Top Management Consultants ranking in 2023

For the third time in a row, we have been recognised as a top management consultancy by business magazine FOCUS in 2023. Once again this year, the excellent performance and memorable expertise of our consultants was recognised by both clients and colleagues.

We are delighted with this appreciation and would like to thank our clients and colleagues.